
Next Race:

24. Apr



- Single championship of 12 races - All races count on aggregate. - All races are run in int mode , SHIFT + R is allowed. - Serverstart : 2000 CET via IGOR - VROC chatroom : HIES - Qualifying length : 30 min - Race length : 60 min - ESC to pit allowed during qualifying. - 1 chassi pr season , free choice of chassi. - All flagrules in effect - Grid edit - 90 % of race distance must be completed to be eligable for championship points. - Dirtgear patch required. File download name : dirtgear813


1. = 18 points. 2. = 15 points. 3. = 13 points. 4. = 11 points. 5. = 9 points. 6. = 7 points. 7. = 6 points. 8. = 5 points. 9. = 4 points. 10. = 3 points. 11. = 2 points. 12. = 1 points.


We race in accordance with standard racing rules. Everyone has 24 hours after the race to ask for a incident to be reviewed. A protest must be raised in the race thread on our forum. Penalties will be given in the form of added time when and if its warranted and the results will be adjusted post race control accordingly. Hence we post a preliminary result and a final result once race control has reviewed any proteats. Penalties: +5 sec +10 sec +15 sec +20 sec (equals a drivethrough penalty) +30 sec (equals a stop n go penalty) Black flag \ DQ (Endangering fellow drivers , reckless driving , unsportsmanlike conduct.) In addition comes false starts that will be enforce by GPL. You will get a stop n go that needs to be served within 3 laps. All other GPL ruling will be overridden by race control and evaluated after the race. We let everyone finish and edit the results according to the evaluation done by race control.


If more than 1 drivers suffers a disconnect or a freeze during a race, some stuff will kick into action: 1) If the race is beyond 60% completion when the first driver got a disconnect or a freeze, the race will be classified based on the lap before the freeze \ disco and that will be the final race results for that particular race. 2) If the race is below 60% complete when the first driver got a disconnect or a freeze the track will be replaced and the race will be run again at a later date.